Monday, 23 October 2017

Using Metrics to Win the SEO Game

The most dangerous trend in digital marketing now days is that people have started to think about SEO as something extremely difficult. Good SEO is never difficult. As a matter of fact, complicated SEO can never be as good as the simple SEO.

Therefore, you just need to stop and think about your strategy if you are fan of chasing search engine’s algorithms to find out the secrets of SEO. SEO secrets are already revealed; i.e. you just need to develop a good work plan and execute if while making sure that you are not compromising over the quality of work at any stage.

You can keep your SEO approach simpler and competitive enough to beat every major player in your niche by using metrics such as Google Analytics.

Focus on low ranking pages
You may be working hard to make sure that your SEO approach gives you the best results, but there must be a number of pages in your website that might not rank well. When you see that some pages do not get enough exposure while others get a lot, it’s time to think about bringing those low-ranking pages into the spotlight. Now, you don’t need to create new content for those low-ranking pages. You can make necessary modifications for the purpose of quality improvement.

But first, you will need to identify those pages, and Google Analytics can help you in the convenient, efficient and effective way.

You need to log into Google Analytics. Then you need to find the option ‘Queries’ which comes under “Search Console” option. This ‘queries’ option is going to tell you about the status of traffic on pages against the queries you enter. From there, you can identify the pages which do not rank well.

Dealing with the leaking pages
High bounce rate is something which the marketers hate the most. You surely want to deal with this issue but first you will need to identify the issue.

In Google Analytics, you will need to expand the ‘Behavior’ option in order to find the ‘Site Content’. You need to expand it further to look for the option ‘All Pages’.

Now, you will need to click ‘Advanced Options’. Select ‘Source / Medium’ and write in ‘Google / organic’.

Then you should get the list of pages with the stats about their bounce rates. You can sort pages with respect to the ‘bounce rate’ or ‘% Exit’.

Normally, the blogs in websites have higher bounce rates. But you don’t need to worry about them. But if ‘%exit’ number in front of those pages is also higher, it might be the time to do something about it.

Divert traffic to the pages that have the potential to create conversions
First step was to increase traffic and the second one was about ensuring that people would stick around. Now you need to bring your audience to the pages which create conversion. To analyze the conversion rate of pages in Google Analytics, go to ‘Goals’ under ‘Conversions’. Now, expand ‘Goals’ to find ‘Reverse Goal Path’. This should give you the conversion status of each page.

Once you have identified the pages top conversions, you can perform several SEO tricks and methodologies to bring more people on those pages.

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